TFFG 14: A good story.

TFFG 14: A good story.

I’m reading this book right now called Story Genius. In it, author Lisa Cron explains that plot is just the external stuff that happens, the series of events, the circumstances. Story, on the other hand, is about how the stuff that happens affects your main character and how she will change internally as a result.

So, for example, let’s just say you were writing a far-out fantasy novel that involved a global pandemic originating from someone eating a raw bat – that would be your plot. But the story would be about how your main character changed because of it all. Who she was on the first page won’t be who she is on the last. At least, that’s the way a good story should unfold.

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TFFG 15: Taking a minute.

TFFG 15: Taking a minute.

TFFG 13: Vacation all I ever wanted.

TFFG 13: Vacation all I ever wanted.