TFFG 12: The Saturday edition.

TFFG 12: The Saturday edition.

The Friday Feel-Good on Saturday??? Yep. Clearly still rocking last week’s mantra – just show up. Although that approach didn't really work for me when I drove 30 minutes to the beach on Thursday to meet a friend for some socially distant wave gazing (aka parents sitting on beach chairs 6 feet apart while the kids basically...don't). The lot was completely full and there were 20 cars lined up waiting, hoping, praying for a spot.

P.C. (pre-coronavirus) Darrah would have sweated it out, made it happen, forced the situation because the plan was to go to the beach and she always stuck with the plan. Post P.C. Darrah? She said: Nope. Plan B (aka the backyard).

There’s this mantra “You can do hard things” that I use all the time with my son, thinking I’m the best parent ever for coaching him towards resilience. But to be honest, I’m up to my eyeballs in hard things right now – and I know I’m not the only one feeling that. There has to be time for some things to be easy.

I hope this newsletter is that for you – something easy to open, easy to read and easy to click. It’s okay to not think about the hard things for a minute, hour, day. They’ll still be there waiting for you once you’ve got your mental strength back.

Now onto the Feel-Goods.

TFFG 13: Vacation all I ever wanted.

TFFG 13: Vacation all I ever wanted.

TFFG 11: Better late than never.

TFFG 11: Better late than never.